
Hello, PR aspirants! 

If you're reading this, you're probably eyeing those extra 5 points on your PR application, right? The NAATI CCL test might just be your golden ticket. 

But let's be real. It's not just about knowing two languages. It's about mastering the art of capturing fleeting dialogues in real time. And that's where many stumble.

No need to worry or stress! We are here to support you and provide assistance.

Explore this playbook and discover the strategies that will help you achieve top-notch scores.

Let's explore the strategies that are essential for your success.

1. Rozan’s Seven Principles of Note-taking

Rozan's method is the way to go if you want to quickly write down the most important things. With this method, the goal is to get to the heart of the talk without getting too bogged down in details. You'll always know what to pay attention to. It's like having a GPS for your notes. I've seen kids go from being stressed out to ecstatic once they get the hang of this method.


  • Dialogue: "The Australian government is considering implementing stricter environmental regulations next year to combat climate change." Note: "Aus govt. → stricter enviro rules nxt yr vs. climate change."
  • Practise Tip: Listen to news segments or podcasts. Try to summarise each sentence or idea in less than seven words. Over time, you'll get faster and more accurate.
2. Eclectic Approach

When it comes to dialogue, there is no one size that fits all. So, I always tell people to mix and match different ways to take notes. Change your methods to fit the topic and the person you're talking to. This way, your notes will be as useful and adaptable as a Swiss Army knife. When students are open to this, it's often easier for them to understand different kinds of material and questions.  


  • Dialogue: "Many Australians prefer summer vacations, but winter getaways to the mountains are becoming increasingly popular." Note: "Aussies ♥ summer vacay; winter mountain trips ↑."
  • Practice Tip: Mix and match techniques. For some dialogues, use symbols extensively. For others, focus on abbreviations. Find what combination works best for different topics.
3. Encoding Function Theory

Don't forget how powerful a pen (or pencil) can be! Putting things on paper is like giving your brain a little workout. It makes it easier and longer to remember things. I've seen that students who take the time to write out their notes have an easier time remembering information when it counts—during the test!


  • Dialogue: "The new city council plans to renovate the old park and add more recreational facilities for residents." Note: "New council → renovate old park + more rec facilities."
  • Practice Tip: After taking notes, cover them and try to recall the main points. Then, compare your recall with your notes to identify gaps.
4. Visual Discriminability

Make your notes visually distinct. By using colors, symbols, and different fonts or handwriting styles, you can quickly scan and retrieve information. 


  • Dialogue: "The recent bushfires have affected wildlife, causing a decline in koala populations in New South Wales." Note (with color): "Recent bushfires 🔥 → ↓ koalas 🐨 in NSW."
  • Practice Tip: Assign specific colors or symbols to recurring themes or topics. For instance, use green for anything related to the environment, or a $ symbol for financial matters.
5. Use of Directional Features

Arrows and lines are not just ideas; they are your friends. Use them to show how ideas are linked or how they flow. It's like putting together a picture of what was said. This can be very helpful when you're trying to figure out what's going on in a complicated conversation. When students use this method, it's often easier for them to see how their ideas build on each other. This makes their answers more logical and well-structured. 


  • Dialogue: "The economic downturn led to job losses, but it also spurred innovation in various sectors." Note: "Economic downturn → job losses + ↑ innovation in sectors."
  • Practice Tip: Practice drawing quick connectors. For cause and effect, use arrows. For parallel ideas, use lines. The goal is to make your notes a visual story.

Before You Go:

The NAATI CCL isn't just a test, okay? 

It's a step towards living the life you want in Australia. Even though these techniques are your tools, the only way to get good at them is to use them.  

Want to get even better? Check out CCL Tutorials, our online coaching and preparation, where expert tutors are ready to help you with these and other skills. We're all in this together, and we'll always have your back.

Best of luck, future Aussie resident!