Are you an applicant looking forward to migrate to Australia under 189 visa, 190
visa or 489 visa?
But, failing to lodge the visa application
due to short of 5 points?
Well, getting accredited in community
language can help you claim "five bonus points".
Yes!! You are reading it
From January 2018, NAATI (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters) has introduced a new
test as a part of its new certification system. And, this test is popularly known as the NAATI CCL Test.
What is NAATI CCL Test?
NAATI CCL (Credentialed Community Language) Test assesses your ability to convey the meaning of a conversation from
English to Language Other Than English (LOTE) and vice versa. On clearing this test, you are awarded 5 extra points towards your Australia Permanent Residency visa application.

It is anticipated that the Skill Select Invitation Rounds will be running tough year by year with increasing
competition and bars set by thousands of applicants. So, it would become essential to clear the NAATI CCL Test and
get maximum points. Apart from your high band score in IELTS/PTE test you need extra points in order to make your
application more considerable & receive an invitation from Department of Home Affairs (DHA). Only then, you will
be eligible to apply for PR in Australia.
Before the CCL Assessment test was introduced, applicants appeared for para-professional or professional level tests
to gain those 5 points. One could appear for para-professional test from 12 overseas locations but NAATI CCL Test
could be taken only within Australia, earlier.
However, as in 2021 the test mode is changed to online. So aspirants overseas can sit for the test from their
respective locations. Well that's a breather seen the circumstances. The test runs on Australia time, Canberra, so
don't get confused with the that.
Note: Kindly check the same on NAATI Official website in case there are any
changes in mentioned dates.
Planning to appear for the NAATI CCL Test? Curious about the test format and marking method? Looking for
top-quality NAATI CCL practice tests in Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, Nepali, Vietnamese, Gujarati, Mandarin, Tamil and
Or, do you want to strengthen your vocabulary, and get access to tips, tricks, and strategies for the test?
Here is the deal!!
Whether you are inAustralia or any other country overseas you can easily prepare for NAATICCL Test at home
with our Online Group Coaching course.
Prepare under the guidanceof NAATI Accredited Interpreter and get ready to ace the test!
You can get all the above and more, delivered to your mobile phone. Download the CCL Tutorials Mobile Application (Android and iOS) & getaccess to a
lot of FREE preparation resources.
Read the NAATI CCL Testinstructions to be followed
while appearing for the test at home.
Best of luck!